What do we appreciate in our employees?

Each of us has his own targets, interests, values, course of life, past, and future. However, at present we are linked to NAYADA. Our company is a living organism, and common success depends on job of each one. High results and good reputation cannot be reached, unless all players in the game called “business” win (clients, employees, and partners).

We appreciate individuality of each one and esteem personal opinion and points of view of our employees. The following traits unite all of us:

  • ATTENTION – towards clients, colleagues, and partners, willingness to understand, to help, and to endeavor.
  • PROFESSIONALISM - being perfect in one’s job.
  • INITIATIVE - ability to foresee and to act, to be one step ahead of circumstances.
  • OBLIGATORINESS – being a person one can trust and rely on.
  • HONESTY - towards oneself, the company, colleagues, clients, and managers.
  • QUALITY - establishing high standards in job, endeavoring at perfection each day.
  • OPTIMISM - enjoying life together with us.