IV Archicompetition. Registration is open

28 / 04 / 2009

NAYADA Company and Russian Architects Association have signed the Regulation on holding the IV International Contest for architects and designers «Office space: creativity, technologies, innovations».

Photo IV Archicompetition. Registration is open

The contestants can register at http://archiconcurs.ru/contest/order/. Just like in previous years, we invite project organization, architectural studios, graduated architects and constructors, as well as students of higher architectural institutions.

This year the contestants and the jurors will witness a lot of changes. Besides the three already known nominations – Archimplementation , Archisolution and Archipartition – there will be a new one called Archenvironment. The latter is dedicated to the concept development and arrangement of an individual working space in an office.

The appearance of a new nominations has led to increase of the prize fund, which now amounts to 750 thousand rubles.

Since this year the competition will be translated not only into English and Italian, but also in German. Last year an Italian magazine «US. WORKPLACE-CONTRACT-DESIGN-MANAGEMENT» was among the informational partners of the Archicontest. Luciano Capaldo, the president of RICS in Europe, the honorary member of the Royal Arts Society in Great Britain, has already confirmed that this year he will continue his work as a juror. Sergey Choban, the architect famous both in Russia and in Germany will also be among the jurors. This year the jurors' committee will be headed by the new vice-president of САР Sergey Viktorovich Kachanov.