Office partitions from the manufacturer
NAYADA offers modern solutions for demanding clients and grant 3 year warranty for all types of products.
NAYADA offers a wide range of partitions, doors, reception stands and furniture. The product range includes both exclusive models, as well as ready-made solutions. The company has representative offices and dealerships in many regions of Russia and the CIS countries. The company’s central office is located in Moscow.
In over 2 decades NAYADA Company has become the undisputed leader in the production of partition systems for offices and various public interiors. By 2020 our manufacturing base has reached an impressive size – over 20,000 square meters. Just in Moscow more than 200 projects are implemented using our products each month.
A total of 4,000 projects are implemented annually in Russia and abroad. About 80% of our clients are repeat customers or those who come to us on the recommendations.
Our company was the first to receive ISO 9001:2000 certification among Russian manufacturers of office partitions.
Advantages of NAYADA partitions

The reliability of our office partitions is ensured by the latest production lines and certified manufacturing systems.

Our company is the first to received ISO 9001:2000 among other Russian manufacturers of office partitions.

Our company attracts the most talented architects and designers so that you will be able to implement any complex idea.

NAYADA products decorate offices of Yandex, Google, Johnson & Johnson, Sberbank, Microsoft, Gazprom and many others.

We offer a comprehensive service which includes design project of office space, installation, repair and delivery.

Office projects with installed NAYADA products received such awards as the Best Office Awards 2010-2013 and 2015, Red Dot Design Concept.
We're chosen by
Our projects
Client: Theatre of Stanislavsky
City: Moscow
Object type: Public buildings
Product:NAYADA SmartWall H5/H7

Созданный архитекторами DESIGN SOLUTIONS интерьер напоминает скорее выставку современного искусства, чем типичный завод. Стеклянные перегородки от NAYADA, перфорированные металлические панели, панно из труб, бетон задают общую индустриальную дизайн-концепцию. Заводское оборудование, лаборатории, кабинеты и переговорные гармонично объединены здесь с помощью офисных перегородок.

NAYADA office partitions
Why do customers choose our products?
- Quality corresponding to world standards.
- Durability and a 3-year warranty.
- Aesthetics and a wide choice of solutions, using various combinations of materials, colors and patterns.
- Custom designs according to customer’s corporate style.
- Partitions and other products are sold throughout Russia and the CIS countries.
- Fast turnaround for projects of any complexity.
We offer a full range of services – from design to measurement and installation. All orders are filled fast and accurately.
Average completion times for a 500 sq. m. premises:
- design – up to 5 working days;
- material procurement – 4 days;
- manufacturing – 20-25 days;
- installation – 11-13 days.
Installation of fire-resistant partitions is carried out under MOE license.
Цены на офисные перегородки
Наша компания имеет собственные производственные линии, мы контролируем соблюдение всех процедур и технологических процессов на каждом этапе. NAYADA высоко ценит своих клиентов и предлагает лучшие варианты цены и качества. Стоимость на перегородки зависит от сложности конструкции и используемых материалов.
Стоимость проекта зависит от многих факторов:
- Материалы - легкий и прочный алюминиевый профиль, закаленное толщиной до 12 мм или многослойное (триплекс) стекло, панели из натурального шпона, качественная фурнитура.
- Персональное решение - перегородки высотой до 6 м, усиленная звукоизоляция, тонировка стекла, нанесение корпоративной символики, нестандартные формы перегородок и т. д.
- Сложности монтажа - работа на высоте или в ограниченном пространстве, сложность конструкции, использование спецтехники и другие факторы влияют на время и стоимость монтажных работ.
Закажите расчет прямо сейчас, для этого заполните любую форму обратной связи, наши менеджеры оперативно свяжутся с вами для уточнения всех деталей заказа.
Why customers choose office partitions, rather than building walls?
Office partitions are not inferior to capital constructions, when it comes to reliability, durability and sound insulation, while they are far superior in a number of characteristics:
- their lower cost;
- zoning partitions do not need approval from the Technical Inventory Bureau;
- fast to install, without disturbing the work of the office;
- installation without dirt and dust;
- transformation of layouts in a few minutes with the help of mobile partitions;
- more rational use of space.
How to buy NAYADA office partitions?
Our office partitions are sold throughout Russia and the CIS countries. Order a callback from our website, use the online consultation form to get more information about prices and services. If you wish to buy office partitions in Moscow, you can visit our production and logistics facilities or the NAYADA Office.