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Competition is always an exciting event. And competition with the name "OFFICE SPACE: creativity, technologies, innovations" is a special event. Its main peculiarity is that contests with similar subjects are held among designers and architects not so frequently. The office is a live substance; creating its architecture and design is a complex but at the same time interesting task. The subject of this contest was offered by its organizers – NAYADA Company and the Russian Architects Association – not by an accident. Office space is an vital topic, which is constantly developing and searching for its own ways of realization in the world of ideas and technologies.

Every day the circle of competition participants extends, and the active registration in all the tree nominations continues. The greatest success at the present moment has the nomination "Conceptual engineering of partition systems of the future". And such tendency raises optimism, since it reflects a huge potential of ideas, original developments and new technologies. Organizers and judges assign great hopes to this nomination.
The nominations "Office space: individuality and functionality" and "Office interiors: the best architectural design solution with the use of NAYADA partition systems" are not less interesting for the participants. Projects on these topics contain both realized ideas and ones yet to be carried out.
According to the words of the vice-president of the Russian Architects Association, a member of the Architectural Academy, the Distinguished Architect of Russia, the chairman of jury of the competition " OFFICE SPACE: creativity, technologies, innovations" Y.A.Sdobnov:
"As a result of carrying out this contest we expect to see the whole palette of contrast to each other and therefore very interesting solutions. During the process of summarizing the results of the October, 2006 competition, the jury will most likely to face the most complicated problem of choosing the winners. But sometimes it has to overstep his personal dispositions and set more rigid criteria to define the winners".
It is also important that the interest to the competition arose not only due to its prize fund ($ 20.000), but also the wish to search and create.