ArchiSupport for students
NAYADA Company and the Russian Architects Association announce the beginning of the second round of the International Competition for architects and designers "Office space: creativity, technologies, innovations".
The organizers of the competition have proceeded to active work with design and construction high schools involving more and more students into the competition.

It is the objective of generating interesting and creative solutions and helping their authors that NAYADA Company and Russian Architects Association have set in front of themselves. That is why one of the main accents in the process of the organization and carrying out the competition was made on graduates and senior students of specialist schools. Perhaps, this is the reason why this relatively new architectural competition "Office space: creativity, technologies, innovations" has become so successful. Among the partners of the organization committee are Moscow State Building University, MARKhI, Moscow State Artistic- industrial University of Stroganov, University of the Brotherhood of Nations, the British High School of Design and other higher educational institutions.
Another important factor of the competition popularity is its availability. Unlike other competitions, participation in "Office space: creativity, technologies, innovations" is free. A participant has to fill in a form and send a copy of his project work via e-mail. The main criteria of work selection set by the jury are originality, functionality and eye appeal as well as the talent of the author.

According to the general manager of NAYADA Company Dmitry Cherepkov, «We receive applications for participation in the competition every day. More than 120 designers have already shown their interest in presenting their works to the jury. Considering that the 1st of July is the last day of registration, we assume that the number of participants will triple. It proves that although the competition "Office space: creativity, technologies, innovations" is fairly young, it already has become one of significant events in the world of architecture and design. It is connected with a fact that, unlike in other creative competitions, we not only mark and estimate interesting projects but also help to realize them». Thus, according to the competition results of the previous year a significant number of participants consisted of graduates and students of specialist schools. Their most interesting works are being realized by NAYADA Company at the present moment.
Go to «Competiiton - 2007».